Painted Brick House Exterior

Painted Brick House Exterior


A painted brick house exterior can instantly transform the look and feel of your home. Whether you want to refresh the existing brickwork or completely change the color, painting your brick house can add curb appeal and give it a modern and updated appearance. In this article, we will explore the benefits of painting brick exteriors, the process involved, and some important considerations to keep in mind.

Benefits Of Painting Brick House

Benefits of Painting Brick House Exteriors

There are several advantages to painting the exterior of your brick house:

  • Enhanced aesthetics: Painting brick can give your home a fresh and contemporary look. You can choose from a wide range of colors to match your personal style and the overall theme of your home.
  • Protection from elements: Paint acts as a protective barrier against weather elements such as rain, snow, and UV rays. It helps prevent moisture penetration, which can lead to brick deterioration and cracks.
  • Sealing cracks: Painting brick can help seal small cracks and prevent further damage. This is especially important in older homes where the brickwork may have weathered over time.
  • Easier maintenance: Painted brick exteriors are generally easier to clean and maintain compared to bare brick. You can simply wash off dirt and stains with a mild detergent and water.
Protection From Elements

The Painting Process

Before you start painting your brick house, it is important to follow these steps:

  1. Clean the surface: Remove any dirt, dust, or loose particles from the brick surface using a stiff bristle brush and water. You may also use a pressure washer for stubborn stains.
  2. Repair any damage: Inspect the brickwork for any cracks or damaged areas. Repair these using a suitable mortar mix and allow it to dry completely.
  3. Apply primer: Use a high-quality primer specifically designed for brick surfaces. Apply it evenly with a brush or roller, ensuring complete coverage.
  4. Choose the right paint: Select an exterior paint that is suitable for brick surfaces. Opt for a breathable paint that allows moisture to escape, preventing any potential issues.
  5. Paint the brick: Start by cutting in along the edges with a brush, then use a roller to apply paint to the larger areas. Apply multiple coats if necessary, allowing sufficient drying time between each coat.
Painting Process

Considerations for Painting Brick House Exteriors

While painting your brick house can be a great way to enhance its appearance, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind:

  • Permanent change: Once you paint your brick, it can be challenging to revert to the original look. Make sure you are committed to the color and the overall change it will bring to your home.
  • Long-term maintenance: While painted brick is generally easier to maintain, it may require touch-ups or repainting over time. Consider the long-term maintenance involved before making a decision.
  • Climate suitability: Different climates may have specific requirements for painting brick exteriors. Consult with a professional or research to ensure you choose the right materials and techniques for your specific climate.
  • Architectural style: Consider the architectural style of your home when choosing a paint color. Some styles may be better suited for certain colors or finishes.
Considerations For Painting Brick House


Painting the exterior of your brick house can completely transform its appearance, adding curb appeal and protecting it from the elements. By following the proper preparation and painting process, you can achieve a beautiful and long-lasting result. However, it is important to consider the permanence of the change, long-term maintenance requirements, climate suitability, and architectural style before deciding to paint your brick house. With proper planning and execution, a painted brick house exterior can provide you with a stunning home for years to come.

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